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Writer's pictureLucia Moat

Clearlight Yoga Covid19 update

Srisasana stage 1
When your world turns upside down. Stay grounded.

As you all know it has been five months since I put all my classes on hold. Daily I check the news for updates regarding when it may become safe to resume teaching. This will only happen when I am confident that it feels safe, for you, myself and the wider community as a whole.

I am looking into what my legal responsibilities are and as a yoga teacher, the ethical implications of teaching face to face.

These being as follows -

  • Insurance which covers virus related claims

  • Keeping up to date with the Government and local Council guidelines regarding Covid 19 and regular checks on the R rate

  • On going risk assessment of hygiene maintenance and appropriate air ventilation in order to reduce the risk of infection due to aerosol effects of the breath

  • Reduction of the number of people attending the classes and to ensure safe distancing

  • Students will be required to sign a risk assessment /consent form regarding as to whether they or anyone in their household have symptoms of Covid 19 and to agree that they would not attend the class and to follow the Government guidelines with regards to self isolation

  • Students would also need to be aware that should a person start to display any symptoms of Covid 19 then the class may have to be stopped and that consequently, everyone may need go into self isolation.

As a result of the above all students would need to aware of the Government Test and Trace system and agree to me being able to pass on their contact details should there be any cases of people being tested positive for Covid 19.

Srisasana stage 2
When your world turns upside down. Stay grounded.

I have also being giving much thought into what my classes will look like once I do eventually restart up, these are some of the ideas in mind -

  • Class size will be strictly limited

  • Sorry no drop in

  • Advanced booking only.

Classes will be on the basis that I will offer blocks of four weeks at a time. These blocks will have specific themes, for example ‘Yoga & Core Stability and Strength’. Each week will build up on the previous week and I will email each student a home practice lesson plan to encourage you to practice at home in-between classes.

Students will therefore be able to pick and choose which blocks of four they would like to participate in. However, it would be recommended that a continuation of classes month by month is maintained in order to get the best out of your yoga practice.

Mats will still be available, cleaning of mats after use will be of the utmost importance of course at the end of the class. Sanitiser will be provided.

With regards to private 1-1 and small group classes again these will need to be booked in advance in blocks of four weeks at a time.

Srisasana stage 3
When your world turns upside down. Stay grounded.

I am sure that many of you are aware that gyms and the leisure industries and many yoga teachers are all opening up their doors over the next few weeks. I personally will not be. I have thought long and hard about whether to restart my classes in September and have come to the decision not to, as I am not convinced that regarding Covid 19, that it is safe enough to resume teaching face to face at the moment. I will reassess this as the weeks go by.

Finally, yet the most important reason for me, for not starting classes up immediately, is one of an ethical nature. One of the fundamental principles of yoga is that of Ahimsa. Ahimsa is a moral code of conduct in the world of yoga - it means non-harming. That is not only to oneself but to all. On this point alone I can not bring myself to start teaching face to face knowing that there may be a possible risk of infection not only to myself which would be pretty awful but more importantly, the risk to other people. In times like this we all have important decisions to make. For those teachers that wish to resume teaching that is their decision, I hold no judgement against them, for me my decision is my decision and that is one that I truly feel most comfortable with.

I will let you all know as and when I can confidently get back to teaching. Until then stay safe, happy and healthy.

Love, peace and light. Om Shanti shanti shanti. Lucia clearlight yoga

Srisasana stage 1
When your world turns upside down. Stay grounded.

Disclaimer:  Before attempting Sirsasana - the headstand in these photos - make sure you are in good condition to do this pose safely.  Only try this under the supervision of a yoga teacher to avoid injury.

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